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Forholdsregler ved brug af tandstikkere


Forholdsregler vedrusing tandstikker
Når folk spiser, er der ofte en lille mængde fibrøs mad, der er påvirket mellem tænderne, hvilket er meget ubehageligt og skadeligt for tænderne. Det skal fjernes i tide. Mange mennesker kan lide at brugetandstikkerat plukke deres tænder. Faktisk er dette ikke en god vane. Mennesker, der knipser med tænderne, er tilbøjelige til at trække tandkødet sammen og blotlægge deres tænders rødder. Ved brugtandstikker, it is easy to damage the gums and cause local damage. After a long time, the gums are easy to shrink, the gap between the teeth becomes larger and larger, and the food impaction will become heavier and heavier, forming a vicious circle. In addition, the quality of toothpicks on the market varies greatly. Toothpicks drawn from the public toothpick tubes of restaurants are very worrying about their hygienic conditions, and the bacterial content on their surfaces often exceeds the standard. Some people even use small wooden sticks or iron wires to replace toothpicks. Not to mention that they are not clean, and they are more likely to damage the gums. According to reports, there have been cases of tetanus caused by picking teeth with unclean brooms and bamboo branches, which has to arouse people's vigilance. As the saying goes: "The wise learn from the blood of others, and the fool uses his own blood to create lessons." Therefore, even if you use a toothpick to pick your teeth, you should choose a product from a regular manufacturer that has a good packaging, a factory name, a factory address, a sanitary license, and has been strictly disinfected, and the usage must be correct.
Tandstikkerne er hårde, glatte og uden grater. Toppen er lidt tynd, men ikke for skarp. Efter iblødsætning i vand vil den ikke ændre farve eller smag, og spidsen bliver ikke blød. Det er bedre for nogle af dårlig kvalitettandstikker on the market to use industrial hydrogen peroxide to bleach. It will cause great harm to the human body. It is recommended to use high-quality products from regular manufacturers and try not to choose unnatural products with white tandstikker.
For at plukke dine tænder skal du vælge tandstikker af høj kvalitet af træ eller andet passende materiale, med tilstrækkelig hårdhed og sejhed, glat overflade, passende størrelse og har en form, der gradvist bliver tyndere fra midten til enderne. Langvarig brug af tandstikker vil forårsage visse skader på tænderne. Det anbefales at børste tænder, når forholdene tillader det.
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